FarmTTS Text-to-Speech Q-SYS Plugin

The FarmTTS Q-SYS Plugin is a tool used to dynamically convert any text string to spoken word audio in real time. The text to be converted can either be entered during programming and triggered for conversion in runtime (fixed announcements) OR the text string can be dynamically generated and converted, all in runtime (dynamic announcements). Using Google's DeepMind AI Technology, the FarmTTS plugin configuration tab provide users the ability to select between several different male or female voices, adjust the speed as well as the pitch.Applications:Dynamic Emergency Evacuation AnnouncementsDynamic Courtesy AnnouncementsTransportation Arrival/Departure AnnouncementsAudible Status ReportsSimply drop the plugin into your design from the Asset Manager in Q-SYS Designer or download the plugin using the link below for a 30 day free trial! Use the Buy Now section on the right to select the desired license duration and purchase a license. Your new license will be operational within 10 minutes of a completed purchase.Custom license durations and character conversion maximums are also available! Please contact Support to learn more.Questions?Check out the FAQ section for additional information or contact Support for assistance.
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PRODUCT WEBSITE to download a trial version or purchase a license!
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